insignificant drama

 It’s time to eliminate the insignificant drama that fills your mind, and refill it with the love of Christ and His commands for His children.

There is no doubt that people are constantly comparing themselves to those around them. Adults compare themselves to other married couples and start to gradually see their faults and where they fall short of other couples. They see the outside images of “perfect” marriages and feel as if they are missing out or lesser than the others that they see around them. Marriage after marriage is being destroyed by a false mentality that perfection is the only way to peace in the home.

It is dangerous to be concerned with what others think of you, but if you trust the Lord, you are safe.” Proverbs 29:25

Mothers often get depressed because they are constantly bombarded with the image of perfect moms that keep their houses clean, always have dinner on the table when their husband gets home, and have children that respect them daily.

As teenagers, adults, and even young children, we should not subject ourselves to such scrutiny in comparing ourselves to so many people that we don’t even really know. A picture may look like a background set in heaven when in reality that person is living in the midst of a breakdown. If scroll through the “perfect” lives of past friends and peers, you are bound to get discouraged when you see others than seem to have it so much better than you.

It is so easy to get focused on the things in life that don’t matter that we often forget about the one and only reason we exist in the first place. We were not made to constantly worry about ourselves and how much better off other people are; we were made to see those in need, open our hearts to them, and share Christ with those around us. If we are constantly comparing ourselves to false projections of people we don’t even know, do you think we’ll ever get up the boldness to ask them how they truly feel? If we think a person “looks” ok, then why would we ever check on them and see if they needed anything? The false interpretation of a life that someone claims to live is blocking Christians from the boldness that Christ has given them to share with those around them. Don’t let the “picture perfect” world that we live in fool you into believing you are less than anyone else and no one needs your help. You are needed just as much if not even more to help the ones that you know are in need as well as the ones that “look like” they have it all together.

Why do we spend so much time worrying about what others think about us when all we really need to be worried about is what God thinks about us?

The bible makes it clear about what we should focus on in our lives.

In Philippians 4:8, the bible states, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

Nowhere in that scripture does it say for a believer to spend time worrying about what someone else is wearing or how someone else is succeeding more than you. The bible says for us to focus on what is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, and worthy of praise. When your mind is focused on those things and your heart is focused on the love of Christ, there isn’t room for unneeded worries in life.

Make it your goal to cleanse your mind of the unnecessary worries that this world throws at you every day. Write them down as they cross your mind and read over them at the end of the week. When the week is done and you start to look at the worries you struggled with, you’ll realize how insignificant they were then and they are now.

 Eliminate the insignificant drama that fills your mind, and refill it with the love of Christ and His commands for His children.

May God bless you and show you His grace every day!

-Kayla Rampey

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