Fasting for christ

Each year’s Secret Church gathering consists of over four hours of intense Bible study, as well as concentrated time of prayer for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. Over 53,000 people attended Secret Church 2019 either live in Washington, DC or via simulcast. This year, my church, East Pickens Baptist, hosted a live simulcast of Secret Church from 7pm-1am. It was an amazing experience and really opened my eyes to how “self-sufficient” this world is becoming and how prayer and fasting is pertinent to overcoming this epidemic.

This year’s theme focused on the importance of prayer and fasting. From Genesis all the way to Revelation, David Platt went through the bible and discussed how important prayer and fasting is. We started with the foundations of prayer (Genesis) and ended with the consistency and culmination of all our prayers (Revelation).

In David Platt’s words, “The goal for Secret Church is not to entertain you, but to equip you through God’s Word.”

I must admit, although the goal is not for him to entertain you, he does amaze you. For one man to be able to go through the entire bible and astound you with basically one topic for 4-5 hours, it is amazing! It’ll open your eyes to how passionate you should be for God and how intense your study of His word should be.

One of the main things I took from the night, amongst the hundreds of things, was that fasting is something Christians should be doing on a regular basis. As a Christian, I know that I am supposed to pray every day, read my bible, desire to be like Christ, love people like Christ loves us, and seek God first in all that I do (etc. etc.); however, I’ve never thought about “fasting” being on that list. At 31 years old, I can’t remember a time in Sunday school (as a child, youth, or adult) that my teacher stood up and said, “Have you fasted lately? Or have you ever fasted?” No one talks about it because no one wants to give up their food, and to be honest, not many people realize how important fasting really is.

Fasting is repeatedly seen throughout scripture as a way of deep communion with Christ. The world views fasting as a way to lose weight or physically renew a person to health.

The actual definition of fasting is to abstain from physical food for spiritual purposes.

Sadly, most Christians choose to ignore this ordinance because it’s not an easy task. No one wants to give up food or feel uncomfortable, but God calls us to pursue Him. Through prayer and fasting, you will gain a deeper relationship with Christ.

Just as David Platt stated, I am not a doctor. If you have a physical health condition that requires you not to abstain from food, consult your doctor first. Also, start small. If you choose to try to add fasting to your Christian walk (which I hope you all will try), don’t start by giving up food for an entire week or even a day; instead, start by cutting out one meal and devoting that time to prayer. The goal of fasting is to remind you that you not only need your daily bread, food, but you need your daily Bread, God, even more. Fasting will teach you to rely on God more than ever before.

The reason we fast is to teach us to rely on God. When you start your fast, you will inevitably get hungry at some point in the day. If you choose to skip breakfast so that you can spend that time in prayer, you might be ok for a few hours, but as you get closer to lunch, you’re stomach will start to rumble as reminder that you haven’t ate in a while.

A rumbling stomach is a physical reminder that you need to eat. Conviction is a spiritual reminder that you need to feast on the word of God.

When you are fasting and you start to feel hunger pains and desire to eat, take that time to pray and thank God for all that He has provided for you. As you feel weak, thank God for the strength that only He can give. As you hurt, pray for those that are hurting. Embrace every moment you fast as an opportunity for you to grow closer to Christ.

We fast from food because God has given us an innate desire and addiction to food. We are accustomed to the comfort that food gives us, and we easily get into the habit of eating even when aren’t hungry. Have you ever found yourself snacking all day long for no apparent reason? Or just eating because you’re bored or having a bad day? We seek food for comfort and fulfillment physically just like we should be seeking God to fulfill us spiritually. Fasting will teach you to rely on God.

“God us our physical cravings to teach us about spiritual sustenance (nourishment, fulfilment). Our spiritual need for God is far more fundamental than our physical need for food and water.” – David Platt

When you fast, you are giving up your comforts to be fulfilled by God. Your sacrifice of one meal a day or maybe even a few meals may seem extremely tough for you to do, and it will probably make you uncomfortable, but I promise you it will bring you closer to the Lord if you’ll let it.

D.L. Moody bluntly states, “If you say, ‘I will fast when God lays it on my heart,’ you never will. You are too cold and indifferent to take the yoke upon you.” D.L. Moody

There will never be a “right time” to start fasting. Make a plan today to fast in the near future so that you might deepen your relationship with God.

Directly after Jesus is baptized, He is sent to the desert to be tempted by the devil. In Luke 4, Jesus is tempted by the devil for 40 days and 40 nights. During this time, I can’t imagine the hunger pains and struggles that He went through, but through God’s word, He was able to overcome temptations. Even Jesus felt the pain of fasting, yet God sustained Him.  

“where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry. The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.” Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone.” Luke 4:2-4

Throughout the entire bible, prayer and fasting are pertinent to the Christian walk with Christ, what makes believers think today that things are different?

Are you willing to get out of comfort zone to get closer to God?

My prayer for you is that when you do fast, you will learn to rely more on God and less on yourself, learn to submit to God’s will, and ultimately grow closer to Him.

May God bless you and show you His grace every day!

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