A Daughter of a King

Can you imagine for a minute that you are a “DAUGHTER OF A KING?’

In this world, you would have a crown, a luxurious life, and a life that little girls would dream of. People would envy you for your glory and the blessings and possessions that you have. For example, a crown so beautiful that it lights up the room when you you walk in, a beautiful home or castle that has more rooms that you’ll ever need., and a Father that is a King.

The truth is, you don’t have to imagine this. This is your life. If you are a follower of Christ/Christian, you are a child of God, a daughter of the One True King.

On this Earth, you might not have the best clothes, biggest house, or even a crown that you can wear around to let people know your status, but as a daughter of God, you are special, you are unique, and you have been blessed with the Holy Spirit that will give you the Light to brighten any room, brighter than any crown you’ve ever seen.

Your Heavenly Father , the King of all Kings, loves you, cares and adores you for who you are in His will for your life.

I saw a quote the other day that really doesn’t have too much to do with this blog, but I have to share it:

“God invites us to come as we are, not stay as we are.” – Timothy Keller

When you become a daughter of a King, act like one. That’s the best way I can put it.

Be joyful in the fact that your King, your Heavenly Father, loved you enough to send His Son to die for your sins on the cross, the bear a crown of thorns, and suffer life in human form.

Be joyful that you are alive. Every breath you taken is given from God. Don’t waste it.

For those of you that don’t know, I work at Community Chiropractic in Easley as the Practice Representative. I go to a lot of Marketing Events, Festivals, and even Farmer’s Markets in the Upstate promoting my office.

In the same way, we are Representatives of Christ. How well are you representing Him?

Just yesterday, my job sent me to a place where God needed me to be. He sent me to jail. No, I’m not in jail and I did not do anything to go to jail. As the PR for Community Chiropractic, I visited the Dispatchers that take 911 calls for the Upstate to say Thank you for all that they do. They recieve heart breaking calls every day, and leave work not knowing what happened or even if that person survived. They are unspoken heroes we should be thankful for every day.

First, I went to the City of Easley, dropped off some goodie bags and moved on to the County Jail where the dispatchers are located. As I spoke to the clerk about our office and how much we appreciated our dispatchers, I overheard a police officer talking to a family member of that had lost a loved one in a shooting. He was handing over his possessions to the woman and going through each item one by one. The clothing could not be returned due to the severity of the accident, and more than that the lady standing there would never see her loved one again. In tears, she stood there questioning the cop why someone could  be so cruel and why she would never be able to see her family member again? She was broken and searching for hope.  My heart was breaking for her and I wanted to just run up and hug her and pray her but she was so busy with the police officer that I was unable to speak with her. As I walked out, I saw a car with two young children in the back, both in tears. I imagined they were family members of the victim. It could’ve been their brother, father, or someone else that meant a lot to them. Either way, that family needs our prayers.

As I sat in my car, safe and sound, my family safe at home, I remembered how blessed I am.

No, my life isn’t always perfect, and yes, I do have bad days, but I am a child of God and He always sees me through my darkest days.

I prayed for this woman and her family as I drove home, and I ask that you do the same. I don’t know the families name, who died, or even the whole situation, but I do know a life was lost and a family is struggling right now.

Thank God for your family even when you don’t agree, tell them you love them every day, and always remember, YOU are a DAUGHTER OF A KING.

May God Bless You and Show you His Grace every day!

-Kayla Rampey

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