Anxious by Grace Fitness

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Hey Ladies!

Today’s devotion is from one of our awesome Glitter and Grace Teens, Sadie Grace! Thank you Sadie for sharing how God has changed your life and is continuing to work through you each day! May God Bless you for your service to Him!

You can also follow Sadie’s blog at:

Here’s a little bit about Sadie:

Hi there! My name is Sadie Grace, creator of “Grace Fitness”. I’m passionate about Jesus, family, nutrition, and fitness. I’m here to encourage, inspire, and share my story with you all. I’m currently 3 years into my fitness journey and have already learned so much but can’t wait to learn more! The word  Grace to me means something very personal that I’d like to encourage y’all with! G. – grit R.- radiance A.-ambition C.- courage and finally, E.- endurance. All of those characteristics are what I personally aspire to have! I hope you enjoy my website and don’t be afraid to reach out!

Sadie’s Blog:

“I’M ANXIOUS! WHAT DO I DO?” – Grace Fitness

In today’s blog I’m going to be talking about how to cope and deal with an anxiety disorder. *Disclaimer; I’m speaking from personal experience, not professionalism.*

I have had an anxiety disorder for about 7 years now and I must say, it’s the toughest battle I’ve ever fought.
-What is an anxiety disorder like?
* The best way to describe an anxiety disorder is constant racing of the mind and constant fear of unrealistic and uncontrollable things. Such as; the fear of dying, fear of failure, and fear of rejection from those you love.
– I personally suffer with all of those listed above. You must understand that it’s not just a fear that comes every now an again– no. This fear keeps you up at night, wakes you up in the morning, and goes with you throughout the day. The devil is constantly laughing because it’s weighing you down and you constantly feel defeated.
– How do I deal with it?
1.)Spiritual Warfare.
My parents have reminded me thousands more times than I can count that my anxiety disorder is the devil’s way of discouraging me in my walk with Christ. Often times my worst attacks are when I’m sitting on the front pew at church trying to listen to my dad preach. “You’re not really saved,” “You really think God will forgive you for holding a grudge against XYZ?” “Do you remember what you thought about that day last week? God won’t forgive you! who do you think you are?” Those are all thoughts that he piles on top of me when I’m trying to serve The Lord. It’s what you’d call “Spiritual Warfare”. You can’t quit just because it’s hard YOU HAVE TO FIGHT!!!
2.)The Word- when the devil spits lies of anxiety, you have to give that spitfire attitude right back to the devil. He cannot stand the name of Jesus nor can he Scripture. Some things i like to quote when having a panic attack are (Matthew 4) “You must serve The Lord your God and serve Him only.” Or, “Get out of my head in Jesus name.”

3.) Prayer- Our peace, our hope, and our strength is found where God is. He will strengthen you, carry you, and hold you through your anxiety attack. It’s not easy and you probably are so scatterbrained you can’t even think of the words to pray, but simply calling on the name of Jesus and asking him just to be with you is enough. God knows what you need even before you pray– always remember that!

4.) Grit- this has become my new favorite word in the dictionary. I love learning about our Army and Navy. The group that fascinates me the most though is our Navy SEALS. These guys have what you call “True Grit.” They are the elitist of the elite and you literally have to kill them before they give up. I don’t know about y’all but I want the same to be said about me! A lot of times my anxiety just won’t stop no matter what I do to try and prevent it. So i start quoting in my head, “SEALS don’t quit SEALS don’t quit.” Now obviously, I’m not a Navy Seal. But in my head it feels like I’m in the midst of war with the enemy. Don’t quit just because it gets hard, you’ve got to have GRIT! Perseverance, courage, and bravery!

5.) take care of yourself.
When you have an anxiety disorder it drains you. Mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Don’t let that give you a reason lay in bed all day and starve yourself. everyone is different but I, personally, lose all of my appetite when i’m anxious. In result, that gives the devil more leeway because I’m exhausted and thus, more vulnerable. I’m very passionate about fitness because of many different reasons but a huge one being it helps my mind relax tremendously! I highly urge you to go for a run, lift some weights, and do yoga instead of taking medication for your anxiety.(obviously though, if you are currently on medication don’t just up and quit. That is very dangerous– make sure you consult with your doctor first!) Also, make sure you are properly fueling your Temple! Eat lots of veggies, fruits, lean meats, and whole grains. What you eat is so much more than losing weight, but it’s also HUGE for your mental state.

Shower daily and get lots of sunshine. God has blessed us with beautiful creation that we can enjoy! For me personally, walking in the field outside my house gives me so much peace of mind, I feel close to God.

Anxiety is not for the fainthearted, it’s a battle that is constantly going on in your head though others can’t see it. You’ve got to always remember that God is sufficient, nothing takes him by surprise, and HE is your strength. 💗


Sadie, I applaud your strength while fighting this battle! Anxiety is not for the fainthearted but the sad part is – the majority of teen girls are facing this battle every day! In my years of ministry, the main struggle that is common among all teen girls is anxiety. We all worry, we all stress, and we all have racing thoughts that keep us up at night. It’s a battle that the devil loves to attack people with, but the truth is, the only way you can fight back is with the WORD, with PRAYER, and WITH CONSTANT FOCUS ON JESUS CHRIST. We live in a world of uncertainties and it’s important to stay focused on the one thing we know will never change, and that is God’s love and His Grace for us. Stay focused on Him and don’t let the worries of this world distract you from your true purpose!

Love and Grace,

Kayla Rampey


“I will praise the Lord at all times.
I will constantly speak his praises.
 I will boast only in the Lord;
let all who are helpless take heart.
Come, let us tell of the Lord’s greatness;
let us exalt his name together.
I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me.
He freed me from all my fears.
Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy;
no shadow of shame will darken their faces.
In my desperation I prayed, and the Lord listened;
he saved me from all my troubles.”
Psalm 34: 1-6
May God Bless you and Show you His Grace Every day!

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