Enjoy all the little things in life
By: Gracie Cutliff
I believe in order to truly appreciate life, you must take a step back and observe the big picture. I have learned through experience and observation that the world doesn’t belong to me or you. It rather belongs to our wonderful Creator, who created us to bask in the majesty of His creation. I seem to run around only focusing on what I need to do, or where I need to be and forgetting to “stop and smell the roses” and simply breath! I am guilty of that myself, I tend to fall into “Gracie land” and I neglect to live in the moment! So often I scold my brother for playing video games constantly, both in the car and at home. It frustrates me because that’s all he seems to do! But it now convicts me because I am always either at school, work, out of the house, or sleeping. I regret not soaking up all the little moments that have passed through my life, big or small. I regret not spending more time taking in all the moments I had with my brother Samuel during his precious time on earth. I regret not enjoying every little moment I had with my Grandpa before cancer took him from away. I wish I could re-live oh so many things in my life either to change things I have done or said to better them for the situation. Or to fix crazy or embarrassing things I’ve done! Writing this has made me realize the impact of taking my time and the need for seeing the bigger picture! I intend to focus on what God intends to shine through me and not only what I wish to see. I want to see His light in all I do and in all I think!
Dear Gracie & all my Grace Girls,
Thank you so much for sharing your story with Glitter and Grace! I know that it will inspire others and remind them to “Enjoy the little things” and be grateful for everything the Lord has done! Every breath we take is a blessing! No one is promised tomorrow, and no one knows when their time will come. No matter how scary it might be, old age is not promised. We need to be grateful for each day and take time to breath, relax, and take in the “little things.” I read a church sign the other day that said “Can you say It is well with my soul no matter what is going on in your life?” God does not promise us an easy life on Earth but He does give us hope for an eternal life with Him in Glory! We can look back at our past, our regrets, and our bad days and be thankful that we are forgiven, freed from our sins, and promised better days! Today, I want you to let go of the regrets you are holding onto, give them to God and let Him restore your joy! Remember how blessed you are, treasure the “little things,” and let His light shine through you each day!
Love in Christ,
Kayla Rampey
Glitter and Grace Teen Ministry Director