Grace in the Wilderness is always looking for young girls that are willing to step up, step out, and make a difference!
Are you one of those girls?
“Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Matthew 22:37
Use your talents to serve the Lord & watch how He blesses you in return!
We need your help to make a difference in this world! The truth is, I’m 28 years old and have 2 young boys that keep me on my toes. I’ve worked with teenagers for several years now and I’ve been one myself, but times change, struggles vary, and each generation is different from the last.
I want to know what YOU want to talk about. What are some of the struggles you or your friends face each day? What questions do you have about the Bible, your relationships, your family issues, etc?
Be honest with me. I want this blog to be a open conversation between us and a way to help teen girls find answers for the struggles they deal with each day.
When I was in high school, if I was asked these questions my response would’ve been, “it’s none of your business.” And I’m sure that’s what you are thinking; but think of it this way, you are not the only one with questions. I promise, if you’ve thought of it, someone else has had the same question and probably just been too afraid (or too busy) to ask it.
Life gets busy and things like this get pushed to the side, but this Christmas season, I want you to think about what matters most. What matters most is sharing Jesus with others, answering the tough questions no one wants to worry about, and making a difference in someone’s life.
Do me a favor and text or email me your questions or comments. I won’t share your name or contact info in my blog. I just want to know what you want to talk about the most and how this ministry can make a difference in your community!
Are you interested in being a part of the
Glitter and Grace Ministry Team?
I’m looking for girls (grade 6-12) with a heart for God and a passion for sharing His Message. Below are the open team positions available:
*Writers/bloggers that will commit to writing a short article or 2 on occasion. Whether it’s a one-time blog or a monthly commitment, I appreciate all your help! All writing styles are welcome including current events/issues, poetry, short stories, testimonies, and devotions.
*Media Team – I would love to add videos and photography to the Glitter and Grace Teen Ministry page. If you see a video online or create one yourself that helps you in your walk with Christ, send them my way and I’ll gladly post them to the site. I’m looking for music videos, personal testimonies, and encouraging photography to uplift others.
*SHOUT OUT TEAM: We are looking for enthusiastic teens that are willing to post videos, send out invites, and spread the news about any upcoming events. We need your help to grow this ministry and share the good news of Jesus Christ! If you are a go-getter, we need your help!
If you feel like you are suited for any of these positions, contact me for more details! I look forward to meeting my new team members and getting the new year started off great!
Contact information:
Kayla Rampey, Glitter and Grace Teen Ministry
Cell: 864-915-8094 (text me anytime)
May the Lord bless you and show you His Grace every day!