Welcome to the family of god!

This Valentine’s Day, God reminded be of the greatest Valentine of all, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the One example of unconditional love that no other being can express. No flowers, candy, or even diamond rings can express the love that our Lord and Savior can. Just as John 3:16 tells us, “For God SO LOVED the world that He gave His One and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” There’s no way I can give anyone the gift of eternal life, no gift that can measure up to His greatness, and no love that can be as strong as His. I thank God for His amazing love

Valentine’s weekend 2021, I was blessed to be able to experience something I’ve prayed about for many years, the salvation of my firstborn son. As a mother of 2, I pray for my sons to one day get saved, love, and have a desire to serve God. It is a prayer that I’ll never stop praying. I want nothing more than to see family on fire for God.  About a year and a half ago, Carson came home from school and didn’t beg for snacks and run around like he always does; instead, as soon as he got in, he asked me how he could become a Christian. I remember sitting there beside him at the table in shock wondering what to say. In my experience as a speaker, working in youth ministry, and teaching Released Time, I’ve explained salvation and prayed with several students as they accepted Jesus Christ into their hearts; however, as I sat there with my son, my mind went blank. My heart raced as I silently prayed that God would give me the words to speak. I explained the meaning of salvation and answered his questions. His innocence was precious as he answered back and said, “I know that Jesus died for me and rose again so why am I not saved?” He went on to talk about heaven and all that he knew about Jesus and even the trinity but he still wondered about if he was saved. I just listened as he shared his heart. As a young child, he knew a lot about the Bible, and I thank God for instilling that desire for him to learn and grow in His word. I thank God for the teachers and pastors that stood beside him and taught him about who God is. I thank God for the prayer warriors that have been on their knees for the ones that don’t know Christ. That day, I prayed with Carson and I honestly believe he got saved.

When Dustin came home, I was crying in our room, happy tears of course, but I just wondered if he was too young or if he really knew all that he needed to know to be saved. We talked about it awhile and agreed to talk with the pastor as well. The truth is, only God knows the relationship status between Himself and another. The love of God is not based on age or even knowledge of the Bible, it is based on the belief that someone has in Jesus Christ. Carson knows and believes in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He knows and knew then why Jesus had to die for our sins. He may not have known every story of every page of the Bible but he knew and still knows today, that he believes in Jesus Christ. Belief is what saves you.

Carson didn’t get baptized then or announce it to the world but he did start to grow closer to God. As parents, Dustin and I wanted to wait and see what happened next. I guess we wanted to know if his answers were just repetitive things he’s heard all of his life or if he meant and truly understood what he prayed. For the next year, Carson has continued to randomly ask questions about the Bible. He’s prayed for his family and even argued with another kid about how Jesus is God and not just a man. He even taught them about the trinity with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit (we’ve got to work on the arguing gracefully part) It’s been amazing to see how one wild child that never slows down always finds time to show his faith and ask the questions he needs to ask. I can’t count the times I’ve sat by his bed and just talked about heaven and the glory of God.

On Saturday, February 13th 2021, on the ride home with his brother asleep in the backseat, Carson asked me more questions about salvation and life after death. He explained how he didn’t want anyone to go to hell, even the bad people, because he’s supposed to love them too. He even told me about how he was going to tell his friend to pray for her brother that is mean to her. He said if she does maybe God will make him nicer one day, she just has to keep praying. The conversation continued until he asked again about how to get saved. He said he remembered praying with me after school but he wanted to make sure he did it right. I could tell this bothered him. He’s always been wild, but he’s always been a thinker. He wasn’t sure about his salvation because a year back his own mom and dad weren’t sure of his salvation either. As prodigal parents that had to hit rock bottom before reaching up and getting saved, we both had our doubts. I let my fears cloud my confidence in God. God never said a person had to be an adult with years of sin before they got saved, He just said they had to believe.

I feared that my son was too young, but the Bible says, “…but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:4.

Only God knows the exact time a person is ready to accept Jesus as their Savior. His clear desire is that anyone who believes in Him can have eternal life. That Saturday, as I drove down the road, Carson prayed and accepted the Lord as His Savior. He’s 7 1/2 years old. There is no greater feeling than knowing your child, your own flesh and blood, is saved by Jesus Christ. As I sat in awe of what had just happened, Carson started to talk about how he wanted to tell his brother about Jesus and one day tell people around the world. I pray that he never loses his passion and desire to serve the Lord.

Carson, I have no idea what God has planned for your life, but I do know you are very special to Him and to me. You are loved by a God that will never leave you. He is your Heavenly Father and you are now a child of His. I thank God for your decision to follow Christ and every moment that He gives me with you. Love you always, Mom.

This blog is a little more personal and maybe a little more “motherly” than my regular blogs, but I wanted to share this with you so that you will realize that you are never too young, never too old, and never too broken to get saved. The Bible says, “…because if you confess with your moth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9

We have all sinned and all deserve eternal death, but God sent his Son to save us from our bondage. Whether you’re a young child with “little” sins as we think of today or an adult with a lifetime of baggage and regrets, your sins are all the same and you still need a Savior to cleanse you.

Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”

Believe and receive the gift He offers today.

May God bless you and show you His grace every day!

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