
“And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:38‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Nothing is a profound word in this verse that has a different meaning for each person. Defined by Websters dictionary as meaning “not anything; no single thing” makes it seem like a word that would be easy to comprehend; yet when it’s  put in this verse “nothing” becomes “something” to everyone. 

The Bible tells us NOTHING can separate from the love of God yet constantly people are doubting God’s word and ability to forgive for sins of their past.

Have you ever thought about the “somethings” that you fear could have broken God’s love for you? 

Maybe you thought “But what about that one time I did this? Can that separate me from God’s love? Or this one time I did that? What about that? And what about the time I turned my back on God for years? I hated Him. I was bitter and angry. How could He still love me after all that?

Nothing is beyond understanding for our mere minds when we think that nothing can separate us from the love of God. 

It’s hard to fathom a love that strong. 

It hurts when I see one of my former youth or students falling into sin and turning against God, but I never stop loving them. I long for the day that they turn back to God and I can rejoice with them. My love for them is a love that wants them to find their peace in God and live the life He has designed for them. My love is waiting, wishing I could do more to bring them back. God’s love is waiting, knowing He could turn them back to Him, but giving them the free will to decide their own ways. He loves His children so much that He gives them a choice, freedom to live for Him or live for this world.  

There are people that have hurt me so bad that it’s taken time and lots of tears for me to overcome, give to God, and find peace about, but even the people that hurt me…I’m still called to love them. I may not love their situation or decisions, but I love them because God has commanded me to. I show my love to God by following His commands and loving others. 

The reason this verse is so hard for us to comprehend is because God’s love exceeds any love we’ve ever seen or will experience in this world. The love of your Heavenly Father is a love of forgiveness without grudges, a love without limitations or judgement, a love that is undeniable and never ending.

Gods love is not temporary. It’s not something you have to fear will go away when you mess up, but it is a reminder that when you do mess up, His arms are still open, His love is still there, and He is waiting for you to receive His love again. 

Find peace in God’s love. Don’t let the worldly love you know today be a comparison to what God’s love must look like. God will never abandon you because of your mistakes. He won’t turn His back on you if you don’t live up to what He expected you. He’ll never kick you out or let you go because someone else is better than you. Even when you doubt Him, even when you try to run from Him, forget to pray and choose this world over Him, His love never stops. Never. Not anything; not a thing; nothing can separate you from the love of God.

So if you feel far away from God right now, take a moment and pray. His love has never left your side, and He will guide you back to the life of peace you deserve. Rest easy in His arms knowing that nothing will ever stop Him from loving you.

May God bless you and show you His grace every day!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Be thankful today for His love that endures forever!

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