Trust in god

Not too long ago, I taught a lesson in Released Time on Noah’s ark and how Noah was given over 100 years to build the ark and warn the people that God was about to flood the earth and destroy all mankind. For over 100 years he stood strong in his faith and told others about God, but no one listened. They laughed at him, ignored him, and considered him crazy for building an ark before anyone had even seen or heard of rain. Noah had extreme faith and it saved his life and the life of his family.

A few lessons later, we learned about Joseph and how his older brothers hated him so much that they plotted to kill him. Their jealousy turned to anger that they could not control. First, they were going to throw him into a pit where he would surely die without food or water. Then, not by chance but by God’s will, an opportunity arose for the brothers to sell their brother into slavery. As they considered their options, they decided that it was better for them to sell him and make some money while also taking his blood off their hands. The brothers sold Joseph into slavery and lied to their father by telling him he had been killed by a wild animal.

Joseph’s path was not as he had planned, but God had a plan all along. Joseph started out working for Potipher, a leader in Egypt, where he gained his trust and more freedom in Potipher’s dwelling. Unfortunately, Potipher’s wife falsely accused Joseph and caused him to be thrown into prison. Potipher very easily could have had Joseph killed for what his wife accused him of, but instead, he threw him into prison. What sounds dreadful was actually God’s protection and part of His plan. While in prison, Joseph used his spiritual gift to interpret the dreams of prisoners. When Pharaoh had troubling dreams, he called upon all the magicians and wisemen to explain the meaning of his dream to him. No one was able. It was then that word got to Pharaoh that Joseph, a servant turned prisoner, could interpret dreams. The guards cleaned Joseph up and sent him before Pharaoh to explain his dreams to him.

Joseph told Pharaoh that the first dream and the second one were one in the same. When something is repeated more than once, it means it’s important. Both dreams meant that Pharaoh’s people would have 7 years of plentiful harvest followed by 7 years of famine.

In class, I asked the question, “If you knew that for 7 years you would make a ton of money, but after that you would be broke for 7 years, what would you need to do?” Most of you answered “save some of your money.”

 Since Joseph interpreted the dream, Pharaoh gave him rule over preparing for the future. Joseph insured that all people would put back 1/5 of their produce in preparation for the upcoming famine. His preparation saved thousands of lives.

When his brothers approached him and asked for food, they told him that they had one brother that died and a younger brother that stayed behind with their father, Israel. Joseph commanded them, without letting them know his identity, to go back home and bring their youngest brother back with them. He wanted to insure he was safe. When they brought him back, Joseph took all of his brothers into his home and revealed his identity as their brother to them. He didn’t yell at them for selling him into slavery or causing him years of struggles; instead, he welcomed them with forgiveness and had a feast for them. He told them that everything that had happened was part of God’s plan. He forgave them with mercy and grace. He then sent for his father, Israel, so he could seem him before he died. When he returned, Joseph welcomed him and provided land, food, and protection for his entire family. His faith in God saved his family and many other people from famine.

God protects and God provides when you trust in Him. Though we may be suffering today, God has a plan for everything that is going on. Trust in Him.

Dear Lord, I pray for each person that is reading this right now during this uncertain time. I pray that you will give them peace that only you can give them. Help for them to rely on you more and more. Increase their time in prayer. Encourage them with your Word. Lord, let the panic all around us lead people closer to you. I pray that people will take social isolation seriously to protect those around them and stop the spread of COVID-19. Lord, we know you are powerful and You alone can give us strength. I pray that though we are apart as families, churches, and friends, we will continue to stay connected to You in your Word and connected to each other to be there for those in need. Lord, thank You for who You are. In Jesus Name, Amen.

May God bless you and show you His grace every day!

-Kayla Rampey

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