Tag Archives: Empowered Jesus Girl

Registration is now open for Empowered Jesus Girl 2025!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Empowered Jesus Girl team! We hope you and your family had a great year and are ready for what the Lord has in store for 2025!

We hope you will join us for the Empowered Jesus Girl teen conference on Friday, February 7th from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. held at East Pickens Baptist Church. The event is geared towards teen girls (5th-12th grade) with the goal to encourage and empower teen girls through God’s Word. Teen girls from all over the Upstate will join together for one night united in His Word! This is a Girls Night Out that you don’t want to miss!

Did I mention this is a FREE event? Please register by January 26th 2025 to reserve your spot!

We will start with food, photo booths, and fellowship, followed by praise and worship. Afterward, our guest speaker, Lisa Gilliard, will take the stage. She is the assistant principal at Pickens Middle School and has a heart for the Lord and for encouraging her students. You can also expect a special appearance by Izzy Wallace, who will share her experience with bullying and how God gave her the strength to survive each day. We are so excited about what God has in store for you!

You can register individually or with your youth group by clicking the link below:

Register for Empowered Jesus Girl 2025 here!

You can also contact me anytime at Kayla@EmpoweredJesusGirl.com or call/text 864-915-8094.

Click the link below for a flyer to print and share with your friends!

Empowered Jesus Girl Flyer

*This event is free but requires registration. Please register by January 26th 2025. This helps us prepare food and door prizes for our guests. If you can’t make it to the meal, please arrive by 6:45 p.m.

We look forward to seeing you soon! God bless!

Leave it at the cross

At the end of the night at Empowered Jesus Girl 2019, stood an old wooden cross covered with the sins and struggles each girl was facing.

The altar was full, the tears were flowing, and sisters in Christ were kneeling together lifting each other up in prayers.

What a powerful reminder of how we should be every day! Kneeling at the cross, laying down our struggles, giving God complete control, and lifting each other up.

After the crowd left, the church was cleaned, and the room was left silent, I took down each tag off the cross and packed them away in a small box.

When I came across the box the next day, I took each tag out and prayed over it. From anxiety & depression, to friends and family issues, shame and guilt, bitterness, selfishness & doubt, anger and fear, each tag was a cry out for help from the Lord. Each tag represented a girl that needed God to help her through her pain.

Over 60 tags had anxiety, fear, or depression written on them. 30 said doubt, 23 shame, 42 friends/bad relationships. Many others with various struggles.

Whatever your tag said, whatever is blocking you from following God’s will for your life, it’s time to let it go and give it to Him.

Friday night, over 200 girls put their struggles on the cross and gave them to God, their path has been made clear, and they are working towards a closer walk with Christ.

What’s holding you back? What do you need to nail to the cross?

Make the decision today to follow God without distractions.

Leave them at the cross and walk away with peace that only God can grant you!

Proverbs 12:25 Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.

1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God”

May God Bless you and show you His grace every day!

Step 1 to Finding God’s Will for Your Life

When you feel like running away, giving up on life, or throwing in the towel, don’t think of yourself as a failure…realize that you are on the verge of something great.

Surrender is the first step to finding God’s will in your life.

Some of the worst times in our lives can become blessings if we’ll just wait upon the Lord and let Him see us through our battles.

Sometimes God has to let us hit “rock bottom” so He can show us what it means to truly depend on Him.

Just imagine: If you never experienced emotional pain, you would never know what is was like to be at peace. If you never had a bad day, good days wouldn’t be so great.

Every experience we face, every trial we go through, and every moment of our life can be a lesson in disguise if we’ll just listen for God’s voice.

Beyond the noise and frustration of life, I challenge you to take time and listen.

When you hit rock bottom you have 1 of 2 decisions you can make. 1) you can run from your problems and continue down the same path you are on  or 2) you can surrender to the Lord and let Him help you through this time we call life

The choice is ultimately yours. When you “let go and let God” take control of your life I promise you’ll see life in a whole new prospective.

Letting go is the hardest step, but once you surrender, your whole world will start to change.

Next time you have a bad day, focus on what’s really going on, and listen to your Father speak.

“My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you, making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding; yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.” Proverbs 2:1-5

“Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.” Psalm 25:4-5

May God Bless you and show you His Grace every day!

Serve with Style

Good Morning Ladies!

For those of you that missed the Newsletter, here is a special article in it from an awesome lady! I pray that her story will touch you as it did me!

As a special surprise, one of the Fitness instructors from The Fit    Factory in Pickens, decided to share her story with us about how “empowering” the Holy Spirit truly is! When Nicole told me her story, I honestly got Holy Ghost Goosebumps! ; ) Such an awesome lady with a heart for the Lord!

Thank you Nicole and the ladies at the Fit Factory for sharing your stories with us and empowering ladies to be Spiritually and Physically Fit for the Lord! Here is Nicole’s Story about how she learned to serve the Lord through dance.

Nicole’s Story of Empowerment

Hey Girls! My name is Nicole Davis and I am 31 years old.  I am married to my best friend, Adam (11 YEARS this March!  We live in Easley, SC and have 2 crazy, beautiful children named Colt (7yr boy) and Avery (3yr girl).  Our family attends New Image Church in Easley, SC, where we love, labor, and serve in ministry.    I am a working mom of a full time job at Baptist Easley Hospital where I work in the Business     Office.  But after the 9-5 life, I     instruct Dance STEP at a fitness   studio in Pickens, SC called The FIT   Factory: This is my MISSION FIELD.

I have been a long time client of The FIT Factory, and became an official instructor in September 2016.  Since joining the FIT   Factory in 2010, I’ve had the honor of meeting some pretty amazing people who I proudly call my friends and my FIT family.        Included in that amazing group of friends is studio owner and   fitness instructor, Fallon Brucke.

Fallon has proved to be nothing less than a phenomenal business owner who is compassionate and cares very deeply for her clients and staff.    While I was still contemplating obtaining my fitness certifications, I went to Fallon with all this doubt that came from low self esteem issues.   Fallon not only encouraged me, but relentlessly cheered me on.

Several months into teaching and instructing Dance STEP, the  Holy Spirit began to speak to my heart and asked me to change my playlist from secular to Christian music.  At first, I was kind of confused… the music is used in classes was not bad; the lyrics were the same as you would hear on the radio, there was no    cursing… but still, something within my spirit was unsettled.  After weeks of, let’s be honest, ignoring this plea from God, I started adding a Christian song here and there… thinking I was being   obedient to God…  until something happened during the holidays.

In December, Fallon and I gathered some fun, upbeat Christmas songs and put together a “Christmas Dance Party” which consisted of half dance fitness, and the other half dance step.  Y’all!  It was SO much fun!  The Christmas Dance Party was going to close out my brand new year as an instructor in 2016!  Until…

That next week, the Holy Spirit undeniably spoke to me and told me as of 2016, my current playlist was no more.  He said, “Your gift of instructing is something I gave to you.  I told you to change your music, but you did it half heartily.  Either you submit to this request or you don’t.”  He basically said this is my will: either you’re in it… or you’re not.

I’m not going to lie, I was kind of bummed.  I didn’t get to have this big close out… I didn’t get to “say goodbye” to my current playlist, if you will.  The very first song I ever choreographed was to Meghan Trainor, Dance Like Yo’ Daddy!  Even my husband asked me how I was ever going to instruct without Meghan Trainor!  I said… I DON’T KNOW!?!  Y’all… Justin Timberlake, Flo Rida, Pittbull… all of these amazing artist with all of these amazing songs… and I don’t get to use any of them?!  C’mon God!

Do you want to know what is so awesome about our heavenly Father… he knows our hearts better than we do, regardless if you say what’s on your mind or not.  Later that week, Fallon came down with a horrible stomach bug (thank you tiny toddler that’s in daycare!  #momlife).  I asked her if she wanted me to take over her dance fitness class that night and she said yes.  In short, I HATE that she was sick, but I GOT TO DO MY PLAYLIST ONE. MORE. TIME!  The class consisted of some very close friends who I had shared my recent conviction.  Not only did they give me an awesome class, but one of my friends told me to take a picture with the steps… in the shape of a cross.  THAT’S the kind of people God orchestrated to do this thing called “life” with ME!  They didn’t judge me, they didn’t think I had lost my mind; they celebrated with me!  They got to witness this journey and see God close the door in one area of my life and open another!

As of 2017, I have kept my promise to God and remained obedient by only playing positive, uplifting music.  God was also very clear and told me not to “advertise” this change in music.  Honestly, that would be like us walking up to people and verbally telling them “I am a Christian”.

Even Christ kept his identity a secret and let people discover Him for themselves.  People should know by speaking with you or spending time with you that you are a follower of Christ, not because you TELL them.

Do people know you are a follower of Christ?

Can they see the “Light” in you?

Why not?

Nicole’s Story Continued…

During this 4 week journey the music I have discovered … is      phenomenal!  The artists and the lyrics… y’all, I had NO IDEA!  Most people that come to my class have no idea that some of it   isn’t “secular” because the beats and the bass are just as hot as  anything you’ll hear on your average Hip/Hop Pandora station.  Just to name a few:  Lecrae, Andy Mineo, KB, Trip Lee, Tedashii, Family Force 5, Flame, Capitol Kings… PLEASE go check out these artists!  What’s even better?  The Holy Spirit has given me better, stronger, and more intense choreography since I changed my playlist than I, myself, could ever do alone.  Why did I just give the Holy Spirit credit for my choreography?  I’m SO glad you asked.

I not only acknowledge this is a passion and gift from God, I give it back to Him!  There’s a saying: “Your talent is a gift from God.  What you do WITH that talent, is your gift back to Him.”  There isn’t a day I put my foot on that STEP before thanking God for this gift and ability for Dance STEP.  I ask him what songs to include on my playlist.  I ask him to provide the moves and choreography.  I do NOT take credit for the work he has done in this area of my life.  I surrendered it to him, and he has RAN with it to use it for His glory.

That brings me to now.  Fallon asked me to attend a Christian    Conference with her where she would instruct a few dances for a fitness segment. She said she knew I would enjoy it, seeing as how I just made the music transformation a few weeks back.  I didn’t even blink!  I didn’t just say yes… I said YESSSSSS!!!  (with all these super hyped emojis LOL) Well, as I mentioned before, it took a while before I obtained my certification because I had self      esteem issues.  This proved to be the same scenario.  Doubt set in.  Lies from the enemy came knocking on the brand new door God had just opened.  I went to a trusted prayer partner and told her my fears of leading dance in front of ALL of these teen girls… long story short, she won and I went to the conference in Seneca.

I decided if I was going to a Christian conference, I was going   EXPECTING God to move and for him to speak into my life.  I grabbed my notebook and my Bible and met Fallon in Liberty that rainy Saturday morning.  As we walked into the church I saw A LOT of PINK!   I also noticed the name of the conference was           EMPOWERED Jesus Girls.  This made me smile because a few months ago I led a class at my home church called Made to Crave by Lysa Turkerst where she referred to all of us as “Jesus girls”.  Little did I know that conference was made JUST FOR ME!  I took notes like a crazy person!  Every word that was uttered seemed to be speaking directly into my spirit.  It was an awesome conference and I pray that it changed your life like it did mine!

What an amazing time in the Lord’s house!

When it was time for Kayla to speak, I saw the title of her sermon come up on the screen with the 3 words, “Who Am I?”  She went on about knowing your identify in Christ, being strong in faith, and how we are called to be a light unto the world.  I sat there as she described a childhood similar to mine and used an illustration of candles being lit by Godly things, and how the world seems to “blow out” those flames so easily.  Kayla closed with the words, “It’s not about you- it’s about what Christ wants to do with your life and through you.”   Yes!  Amen!  Preach it sista!  I felt so EMPOWERED.

That following Monday, I woke up early in the morning to read my Bible and to spend time with God before the chaotic day started.  I happen to grab a notebook I hadn’t used in a while. (Confession: I am a notebook hoarder!)  But as a believer in Christ, I do not believe in coincidence.  Out of this notebook fell a piece of paper that read:

Nicole- Remember who you are!  You are a Jesus girl!

You are not a failure.

You are not incapable.

You are not a loser.

You are none of these things.

You are a Jesus girl!  Capable of victory!

You are absolutely capable of being EMPOWERED.

God loves you- HEAD TO TOE!

Remember who you are!

This is a note that came from my Made to Crave lesson I       mentioned earlier.  Can I tell you, that after sitting in a conference name EMPOWERED Jesus Girl, and listening to Kayla ask the words “Who Am I?” and then having this piece of    paper just FALL out of a notebook I haven’t used in months, but for SOME reason, I used that notebook THAT morning… I was a little unsettled, in the BEST POSSIBLE WAY!

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”  Colossians 3:17

God, you DO hear me!  You DO see me!  You DO care for me!  I KNOW WHO I AM!  I AM YOURS!!

If you don’t remember  anything… remember this… the HIGHEST form of praise… is obedience.  Partial obedience is STILL disobedience.

God will NOT ask you to give up something without giving you something bigger and better than you could EVER imagine!

Nicole took her talents and gave them to the Lord! Now she   teaches fitness classes, has a great time, and helps others grow Spiritually and Physically Healthier!

When you give your talents to the Lord, you are bound for a   blessing greater than you can imagine!

What talent are you keeping from the Lord? How can you serve Him better?

I can’t wait to hear your stories and how God is using you to      EMPOWER those around you!

Make sure you LIKE the FIT FACTORY on Facebook and drop by for your FREE FIRST CLASS!

Visit: www.theFitFactoryPickens.com for more information and a class schedule!

Listen Up Ladies

 “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be QUICK to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.”  James 1:19

It’s a known fact that girls LOVE to talk. We talk, we text, we call, we are constantly running our mouths about something, (no offense but it’s true) but one thing that we need to remember is to: Listen.

When we listen…we show Christ’s love…and when we love we learn how to be more like Him.

This week, I want to challenge you to close your mouth for a few seconds and just LISTEN. When someone else starts talking about their life and their problems, it’s easy to get distracted and automatically start thinking about a time when you experienced something like them. Usually when that happens, you eagerly await a pause in the conversation so you can jump in with your story and your situation. Everyone does this. It’s basically how conversations work; however, I challenge you to catch yourself in these situations and stop…take a deep breath and just listen.

The Bible tells us to be “QUICK to listen and SLOW to speak.” When you take time to listen you’ll be surprised at what you might learn and how great of an impact you can make on someone’s day. Everyone needs to vent sometimes, and sometimes it’s OK to just sit back, listen, and be a good friend.

Praying for you all and looking forward to seeing you soon at the Empowered Jesus Girl 2017 Conference!

Make sure you remind your friends of this great event and sign up soon!

Visit WildernessGrace.org for more information and to order your   T Shirts and Hoodies!

May God Bless you and show you His Grace every day!