Tag Archives: devotional

Step 1 to Finding God’s Will for Your Life

When you feel like running away, giving up on life, or throwing in the towel, don’t think of yourself as a failure…realize that you are on the verge of something great.

Surrender is the first step to finding God’s will in your life.

Some of the worst times in our lives can become blessings if we’ll just wait upon the Lord and let Him see us through our battles.

Sometimes God has to let us hit “rock bottom” so He can show us what it means to truly depend on Him.

Just imagine: If you never experienced emotional pain, you would never know what is was like to be at peace. If you never had a bad day, good days wouldn’t be so great.

Every experience we face, every trial we go through, and every moment of our life can be a lesson in disguise if we’ll just listen for God’s voice.

Beyond the noise and frustration of life, I challenge you to take time and listen.

When you hit rock bottom you have 1 of 2 decisions you can make. 1) you can run from your problems and continue down the same path you are on  or 2) you can surrender to the Lord and let Him help you through this time we call life

The choice is ultimately yours. When you “let go and let God” take control of your life I promise you’ll see life in a whole new prospective.

Letting go is the hardest step, but once you surrender, your whole world will start to change.

Next time you have a bad day, focus on what’s really going on, and listen to your Father speak.

“My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you, making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding; yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.” Proverbs 2:1-5

“Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.” Psalm 25:4-5

May God Bless you and show you His Grace every day!

10 Seconds


“You can do anything for just 10 seconds. Just close your eyes, count to ten, and breathe.” My sister has taught me a lot of things in life; however, on the night my first son was born, her advice stuck with me. My mother was supposed to be in the labor and delivery room with me that day but instead she was at home sick with a stomach virus. Though my sister had just had a baby 8 weeks before my son was born, I asked her to take my mother’s place while I was in labor. This was my first child and I had faith in my husband but I still wasn’t 100% that he wouldn’t pass out in the delivery room. He is very supportive but he’s never seen a baby born before. My sister gladly accepted and held my hand through each and every contraction. At one point, the epidural had failed, the labor was intense, and I honestly felt as though I could go no more. The room had turned to a blur, the pain was unbearable, and I was on the verge of giving up. With tears in her eyes, my sister looked at me and said, 10 seconds. “You can do anything for just 10 seconds. Just close your eyes, count to ten, and breathe.” The nurse gave me one last chance to deliver naturally, so I focused on those 10 seconds like they were the last 10 seconds of my life. One second at a time, one push, 10 seconds. When I hit 10 and took a deep breath, I opened my eyes to a beautiful baby boy.

Life is a lot like labor. We push and push and push and sometimes it seems like we are getting nowhere. Sometimes we feel like giving up, and quite honestly, there are times that life is just exhausting. But when we slow down, focus on the second at hand and breathe we realize how precious life is. When we finally open our eyes we can see the beauty in life, the quality of creation that our Lord and Savior gave us, and feel the peace that comes when we slow down and just breathe. It’s amazing. It may be laboring at times, and it may be exhausting, but the end result is beautiful.

How precious, how amazing will it be when our last days are near, we count to 10, take our last breath, and wake to the beauty of Heaven above?

Challenge: Take a minute today to slow down and think about that day. Think about the blessings that you are given each day and watch the labor fade away in the past. Pray that God will guide you this week and give you peace as you face the labor we call life.

The pain women experience in labor is only temporary, just as the pain, the struggles, and the exhaustion you face each day will soon fade away in the past.

“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33