Ghouls, Goblins, and GOD?

Ghouls, Goblins, and GOD? Where does God fit in this Halloween?

Halloween is a spooky time of year with costumes, scary movies, and lots and lots of candy. It’s also very controversial for Christians. As a child, I never thought about the controversy, but every year I grow older, I understand a little more. Is it wrong to celebrate? Should I let my kids dress up? This world is full of evil, and sometimes we are too wrapped up in everyday life to even notice it.

Before I get started, let me say this: No, I’m not against dressing up and candy. I love Reeses and cute costumes for my kids. But yes, I am against evil clowns and anything scary like that. It’s just not my thing and I don’t like nightmares.

Celebrate for the kids and candy – not to celebrate the evil in this world.

Halloween, by definition, is:

“the night of October 31, the eve of All Saints’ Day, commonly celebrated by children who dress in costume and solicit candy or other treats door-to-door.”

Anyone know what All Saints’ Day is?

“a Christian festival in honor of all the saints, held (in the Western Church) on November 1.”

Now, does anyone know why we celebrate a Christian Festival with Goblins, monsters, and scary clowns?

Me neither.

The truth is, the devil uses every chance he gets to distract us from God. Halloween started out as a celebration for Christians but the world turned it into a celebration of evil.

No, I’m not saying Fall Festivals and cute costumes are of the devil and Halloween should be taken off the calendar forever. But I am saying that Christians need to be careful and watchful for the devil’s schemes.

The Bible says, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can make your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you will be able to stand your ground, and having done everything, to stand.” Ephesians 6:10-13

Every day, the devil is finding new ways to distract us from God’s will and way. At Halloween, people spend hours searching for the perfect costume but no one really even knows why we celebrate or what Reformation Day really means. At Thanksgiving, we stuff our faces with food but rarely remember to thank God for all that He has done for us. At Christmas, children cling to the fact that Santa is coming with toys and presents for everyone. But what about God? Where does He fit in at your Christmas celebration?

No, Holidays are not all evil, but beware of the devil’s distractions.

As for scary movies, evil clowns, and all that crazy stuff…you be the judge. Do you think it’s Godly? (personal note: there is nothing Godly about evil clowns…not a fan)

“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

Instead of glorifying evil, let’s glorify God with our lives. Happy Reformation Day!

For more history about Reformation Day, visit:

Facebook Fakes

Last summer, my husband and I bought new kayaks to enjoy with our wild boys. I grew up spending my summers on Lake Keowee so I knew this would be a great idea! Plus, our little ones love being outside so they would definitely love the kayaks!

The pictures above are from one of our first trips kayaking as a family. By the pictures, you would think we had a wonderful time together. Family bonding, precious moments sitting by the lake, peaceful naps while riding on water. It looks precious….some people might even be jealous of how awesome my family was that day….but in reality….I have to confess.

CONFESSION TIME: That day was miserable and that moment only lasted a moment…long enough to take a cute photo and then back to the car. I hate to be negative because God blessed me with that day, but that day was just no good. The day I had imagined was nowhere near what it turned out to be. For the most part, Carson cried the whole time because he wanted to be in the water swimming and not on the water in a kayak. Asher didn’t want to sit still and within an hour he was tired and even more cranky.  Dad wanted to fish and enjoy a quiet peaceful day (ha ha he’s funny), and mom aka me…I just wanted to go home/run away. I had envisioned this day to be perfect. In my mind, I thought we would  go to the lake, unload the kayaks, and enjoy a smooth ride with our little boys loving every minute of it. They would be so happy and think we were the best parents ever! I could see it as a clear as a movie scene in my mind…but guess what? This isn’t the movies…this is real life. So all in all…it was a bad day.

But I definitely didn’t let Facebook know that.

I mustered up a smile and tickled my son long enough to make him laugh, captured a silent selfie of my sleeping son on the ride back to the dock, and even took a quick pic of Asher staring at the lake like a little angel (secretly pouting because he didn’t get his way).

Each picture looked perfect…but only I knew the truth. They were all fake.

Facebook fakes are all too common these days. And I’ll admit…at times, my photos are just as fake as others. For instance, this picture perfect day….wasn’t so perfect but no one wants to see pictures of my crying kids and grumpy husband.

When you scroll through Facebook or Instagram it’s easy to look at someone else’s pictures and envy what they have or where they get to go on vacation, but in reality you’re only getting a glimpse (most often fake) of what their life really looks like.

A photo of a family enjoying a beautiful day at the lake could really be a family struggling to make the best of a terrible no good day.

That picture of your friend’s brand new car……doesn’t show the $500 car payment that goes with it…or the parent that is working 2 jobs just to make ends meet and give their best to their kids.

The happy couple with a sappy quote underneath about how much they love each other…….. maybe they seem perfect by the picture but in reality they are barely making it. Or in most cases – they’ve only been together 2 months. Pictures never show the true story.

#selfie….the perfect selfie shows a beautiful young girl with perfect hair and makeup…no flaws and a perfect smile……but it doesn’t show her insecurity, broken heart, and depression she hides on the inside….it also doesn’t show the filters and 50 different pictures she took just to get the perfect selfie…

People always say “a picture says a 1000 words.” But in reality no one really knows what each picture hides.  What do your pictures say? Are they always truthful? What story lies behind each picture?

Next time you scroll through social media and like every picture that looks perfect…consider what that picture truly says. Do you know the truth? Or are you looking at a bunch of fake realities?

Either way, don’t let yourself get lost in the fake world we call social media. It’s easy to get jealous and envy those around us who have more, look better, and seem happier. But the world you’re looking at never shows the whole story.

The Bible tells us first of all not to covet…which means not to yearn for or desire what someone else has. In the Old Testament it says that we shouldn’t covet someone’s donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbor. I doubt anyone of you would desire someone’s donkey but consider to the times. In today’s age, it might say “don’t covet someone’s wealth, huge house, and brand new Jeep (insert favorite vehicle here). If you’re constantly desiring what someone else has you’ll never be content with the blessings right in front of you.

17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife or his male servant or his female servant or his ox or his donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbor.” (Exodus 20:17)

Second, not everyone is as perfect as they “post” they are.

Third, I challenge you to stop comparing your life to others and start celebrating who God made you to be! “You are beautiful and you are enough!” Empowered Jesus Girl 2018

May God Bless you and show you His Grace every day!

Kayla Rampey

This is Your Fight Song

Last Thursday, I had the privilege to go to “A Woman’s Call to the War Room” Luncheon with some of the ladies from Grace in the Wilderness Ministries. At the conference, Karen Abercrombie aka Mrs. Clara from War Room, shared her testimony and challenged us to remember our purpose and pray for each other.  Prayer is our FIGHT SONG. Don’t give up on the tool that God blessed you with? Pray for each other, pray for strength, and pray for direction every day.

Mrs. Abercrombie said that she prayed for 13 years to be a part of something bigger, to act in a movie that would make a difference, to have her chance at the big screen.  At many times she felt like God wasn’t listening or didn’t hear her prayers. Then one day, out of nowhere, God answered her prayers. 13 years later, she walked into the very church where one day the auditions would be held for “War Room.” She has no idea God had a plan for her life, but it was all in His timing. Later, she walked into her audition as Mrs. Clara and walked out with the leading role. God answered her prayer in His timing and used her talents to share His message around the world. God is working even when we cannot see what’s going on. Mrs. Abercrombie said she was an ex party girl that God never gave up on. Don’t give up on God because you are too impatient to see his plan fulfilled.

Mrs. Abercrombie started her walk with the Lord by going to something like Released Time. She didn’t have a supportive Christian family, and she wasn’t made to go to church every Sunday. Instead, she learned about God in a small Bible class. I encourage you to check out Released Time or FCA at your school or other local Bible studies. Can’t find one you like? Consider starting one with your friends. Reading the Bible can be challenging alone, but it’s always nice to be able to read and reflect with your friends. The YouVersion Bible App also offers a ton of Bible Studies and devotionals for all stages of life. Look it up and see what God has in store for your life!

Remember, you can’t get closer to anyone without spending time with them! Spend time with the Lord today and watch your whole life start to change.

“For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees, and laws; then you will live and increase, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.” Deuteronomy 30:16

“In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9

May the Lord Bless you and Show you His Grace every day!

Praying for you always girls!

Kayla Rampey

Who are you becoming?

“Show me your friends and I will show you your future.” -Author Unknown

My dad used to tell me all the time that “if you lay with dogs, you’ll get fleas.” I guess this was his version of “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” He always had a wise saying that I ignored as a teen but completely understand as an adult. Laugh now, but one day you’ll be saying the same things about your parents’ crazy sayings.

As I  look back, I can honestly say that my friends had a lot to do with who I became. In high school, I wasn’t the most popular person but I wasn’t the least popular person either. I actually received the “friendliest” award in 8th grade. (my husband still thinks that is hilarious for some reason) I guess you could say I got along with about anyone for the most part. I didn’t like confrontation, I definitely wasn’t a fighter, and to be honest…I wasn’t a huge fan of school in the first place. So I figured it was best to just be myself and make the most of it. I did get along with about everyone, but I always had a close group of friends that seemed to stay by my side throughout the years.

Every year I made different friends, kept the faithful few, and grew as a person. Some of the friends I chose were great influences. They were Christians, always had a meek/humble attitude, and never cursed or did anything bad. However, there were a few that were the opposite if you know what I mean. In the end, I made the decision who I became, but my friends were a major influence in some of the decisions I made.

Every decision you make, even when it comes to choosing your friends, can change your whole future and you as a person.

At one point, I dated a guy that loved to skateboard and played in a band. I’ll never forget the day he came to my house to pick me up with a mohawk! I literally thought my dad was going to lock me in my room and never let me go anywhere with him. He was a good guy but day by day, my friends and I saw ourselves changing. We liked guys in bands and loved the music they listened to, so well…we started to wear darker clothes, pick up skateboarding (sort of), and dress the part of a skateboarder. Our style changed, our language changed because of the music we listened to, and we became different people. Luckily that phase didn’t last forever.

Every year, it seemed as though one or more things would change about who we were. But it never failed, if you looked back at my group of friends at any given time, I was just like them and they were just like me. I became who I was hanging around and they became more like me.

Unfortunately, this wasn’t always the best thing.

I want to challenge you to evaluate who you hang out with. Are they leading you closer to God? Or are they pulling you further away from Him?

Are they encouraging you or bringing you down? Listen to them talk, are they always negative or gossiping about others? Or are they encouraging you and bringing you up when you’re having a bad day?

Whether you realize it or not, you are who you hang around.

In the book,” Divine Direction” by Craig Groeschel (great book if you need a good easy read), Craig says, We’re connected now more than ever, yet we feel lonelier than we ever have before.”

Why is this?

On social media the average person has thousands of friends and followers, but very few real friends. We spend hours working and going to school with hundreds of people, but we never really spend more than 5 minutes at a time with one person. Life is busy, texts are easier, and social media keeps up with everyone so no one really has to “connect” with anyone. We are living in an anti-social world with millions of lonely people.

Craig mentions that you should have 3 types of friends in your life to help you become a better person.

1) a friend to challenge you and bring out your best

2) a friend to help you find strength in God and to grow in your faith

3) a friend to tell you the honest truth, especially when you don’t want to hear it

Do you have friends like this? If not, pray for God to show you someone to connect with. At the same time, choose the type of friend you can be to others around you.

Each friend has their own purpose, and each friend can help you become a better follower of Christ with a life to be proud of.

Evaluating your friends can be tough. Sometimes when you really think about, some of your friends may be leading you down a dark path. Will you continue to follow them? Try to shine the Light and change their direction? Or just turn away and put Christ first in your life?

Decisions can be hard, but each decision you make can change your entire future. Stay focused on God, stay in prayer, and trust God to lead you in the way HE wants you to go.

“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” Proverbs 13:12

“Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” 1 Corinthians 15:33

A Psalm of David. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.” Psalms 23:1-6

May God Bless you and show you His Grace every day!