Anything is Possible IF…

“What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.” – Mark 9:23

In this verse, Jesus is talking to a dad who is needing a miracle for his son. The dad was struggling with doubt and unbelief concerning whether Jesus could heal his son. Have you ever doubted God? Jesus responded to his doubt by saying that anything is possible if a person believes.

What a great statement! Jesus told this man in this verse that anything is possible if we’ll just believe. Jesus did the hard part. He provided the miracle, all the dad had to do was believe Jesus.

The same is true for you. You may need a miracle in your life. You might need something that seems impossible. This verse tells us that we just need to believe. Jesus provided the answer to all of our impossibilities, its just up to us to believe that it is true. When we do, we find that all things are possible if we believe Jesus.
May God Bless you and show you His Grace every day!

Are you ready?

There are a lot of spiritual things being said about the 2017 solar eclipse. Questions like, is Jesus going to rapture out His people?
The Bible says in Matthew‬ ‭24:36-39‬, “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”
Here is what we do know; no one knows when Christ will call His children to heaven, but we do know it will happen! It might be next year, maybe tomorrow, it could be today! The real question to ask yourself is are you ready?
We all that one friend that is always late…their parents usually say something like “they’ll be late for their own funeral one day!” and they usually have excuses like “I’m  not just late, I’m fashionable late…” or “I was going to be on time and then…..” Before kids, I was the always on time person…but now…well…I have excuses. Ha ha
I have a friend that we used to tell to be somewhere 30 minutes to an hour before the actually time of the event. If the party was at 2pm we would tell her to be there at 1:00 – 1:30. Somehow…she still was late every time.
It was always amusing hearing excuses but we just liaghed it off and continued whatever we had planned.
The end of the world is a different story. If everyone in the world knew exactly when their last day on Earth would be, what would be different? Would you treat others differently? How would you spend your last hours? How would you dress? Most importantly, would you be ready?
My dad recently got some news about back trouble that was unsettling to the family. He had back surgery about 6 years ago and has never recovered from the surgery. They’ve inserted a stimulator in his back to ease the pain and loaded him down with medication after medication.  Doctor after doctor has told him that there is nothing more than can do. Another surgery could make matters worse and without surgery he’ll continue to be in pain and eventually unable to work.
Today, he is making it day by day and tries his best to be strong and courageous through it all. He is my hero always, he’s my dad. But this last visit, the Doctor told him to be prepared to not be able to walk in the next year. 365 days until he may not be able to walk anymore. My dad is very independent and strong willed so he’ll do whatever it takes to enjoy every step he is given. I ask for your prayers for my dad as I pray for you always. Pray for healing, for answers, and for peace no matter what the future holds.
It breaks my heart to see him hurting, worrying, struggling with the what ifs in life…but I know that God has a plan for it all. If it’s God’s will…I believe miracles can happen and my dad’s back can be healed. If God has another plan, we have to be ready to accept it. For the next year, we are preparing to enjoy every minute of life with him walking and enjoying the abilities he has. In the meantime, we joke about how crazy he is going to be when he gets a rascal scooter to chase people around with.
What would you do if you were given a year before you lost your use of legs? What about your eyesight? Or your memory?
The end of anything can be terrifying but if you are ready, it makes things that much easier. For some reason people believe that the end is nowhere near unless they are given a definite end date or time. But the truth is, we don’t have a clue what tomorrow holds, when the end might be, or how many days we have left for anything.
Our job as Christians is to live every day as though tomorrow may never come. I’m not saying you need to create a bucket list and go skydiving and all that fun stuff. I’m just saying that if tomorrow never comes, who would you leave behind that doesn’t know about Jesus?  Who did God tell you to talk to about Him but you never made the time? What were your supposed to do but pushed it to the side because you thought you had all the time in the world? Each of us has a friend or family member or co worker or peer that doesn’t have a clue who Jesus is and why salvation is so important. What are you waiting for? If you’re ready for whatever may come, why not help others be ready as well?
Enjoy each day and share the joy that the Lord has blessed you with. Share your story.  Shout it from the rooftops!
Share your story. Save a Life!
Are you ready?
May God Bless you and Show you His Grace every day!

Members of the Same Team

In the last year alone, God has made one thing clear to my husband and I, and that is: our first mission field is our home.

A few months back, my husband and I took a leap of faith that completely took me out of my comfort zone…and to be honest…I’m still trying to get used to the change.

In July of 2017, my husband and I resigned as the Youth Ministers at Crosswell First Baptist Church. I can honestly say it was one of the hardest decisions we’ve ever had to make. When my husband came to me with this decision, we prayed for months for direction and peace, but in the end, we both decided it was best for us to leave Crosswell and to focus on our first mission field, our home.

In 2013, God entrusted us with a precious little boy named Carson. A few years later in 2015, Asher was born. Both of our boys are healthy, happy, wild, and crazy. As our boys are getting older, we’ve realized more and more how important the home is. Our first mission field is our home and may we never forget that. Every day, we are to raise our children in a home that loves the Lord and desires to change this world with His message.

To the teenagers reading this blog, you may not understand this now, but one day you’ll realize how important the home truly is. For now, I ask that you pray for your home every day. Pray for your parents as they guide you in this world and your siblings (even if you don’t get along) that share your home with each day.

Crosswell will always be my family and even though we are no longer worshipping in the same building, we are still members of the same church.

These last few weeks, looking for a new church has made me realize one thing, the word “church” has lost its meaning. The “church” is not the building that you worship in each week, it’s the people of God.

YOU are the church! A while back I wrote these words, “

“It’s not about how you worship, It’s about Who you worship.”

In the last month, my family and I have had to take a step back and search for a new “home.” When I was born, my parents took me to Elljean Baptist Church where most of my family went. My great grandfather built the church and I loved growing up there with my family and friends. After a life detour without church, I met my now husband and we decided to go back to church. Without a thought in mind, we visited my home church, Elljean and his home church, New Beginnings, off and on for almost a year. In fact, when we first got married we were still going to “my church” On Sunday mornings and “his church” on Sunday evenings. It was a hard decision for us to make, but we eventually started going to Elljean full time. When Dustin was called into the ministry, we took a leap of faith and moved to Griffin Baptist Church where we worked with the Youth. About 2 years later, we moved to Crosswell First Baptist Church. Each step was paved by God Himself and clear as to where we needed to go.

As we walked out of Crosswell for our last service about a month ago, we realized that this was the first time we had no idea which direction to go. To be honest, there are churches on every corner in Pickens County and the decision on where to go can be overwhelming. I’ve never been without a church and I’ve never really had to look for one. There are HUGE churches with basketball courts and bowling alleys, tiny churches with less than 10 members, home churches where you meet in someone’s basement, biker churches, cowboy churches, loud churches, silent churches, churches with steeples, warehouse churches, country music churches, contemporary churches, traditional churches, pew jumping churches….and those are just a few of the many options out there. I’ve never been in the shoes of a “homeless” person but in that instance, I felt as though I was “homeless.” Homeless without a church.

Then God reminded me, YOU ARE THE CHURCH. The building you worship in is just a building… The way you worship, the clothes you wear, the “style” you consider your worship service…none of that matters if you are standing on the Word of God.

Now you are Christ’s body, and individually members of it.”                            1 Corinthians 12:27

We’ve had hundreds of invites to different churches, but as a family we’ve realized that we don’t want to choose a church based on who goes there, we want to choose a church that we know God is directing us to. No matter where we go, we are still a member of the same church and the building we worship in is just a building.

It disturbs me to see the “rivalry” between tiny churches, big churches, contemporary churches, traditional churches, etc. It’s almost as though small churches get angry because the big churches are “taking” their members. Then big churches get ridiculed when they add on because they are outgrowing their walls. No one should ever be upset when another church grows. Instead, we should all rejoice and continue to pray for one another always. It’s time we, as a body of believers, stand up for who we are. It’s time we stand up for the church and start working together to glorify God and spread the good news to those who need it most.

No matter what church building you go to, always remember that we are all members of the same team. If we work together, we could change this world!

As a member of one team, the CHURCH, what will you do differently this school year to bring others closer to Christ? Will you recruit new team members or just sit on the bench?

My family and I are still visiting local churches and praying for God’s direction each step of the way, but we are certain that God has a plan for us. In the last few weeks alone, we have seen a change in our spirits and a renewal of our family. This journey has reminded me that sometimes God has to take you out into the wilderness, with nowhere to go, to show you exactly where you need to be.

Trust in Him always and He will show you the way!

May God Bless you and show you His Grace every day!

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This is worship…They are the church…be the church…


Rejoice in who God made you

“Remember your past but Rejoice in who God made you.”

In 2006, I graduated from Pickens High School not having a clue what was about to happen in my life. I was young, carefree, and ready to take on the world.

What I didn’t want to accept is that God had other plans for my life.

I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do with my life but I knew I needed to go to school first, so I started Tri County Tech in the Fall of 2006 majoring in Early Childhood Education. For the next few years I changed my major every other month, moved from one college to another, and never found stability in anything I set my mind on.

God was not going to let me go easy.

It was a confusing and overwhelming time in my life. From 2006 – 2010 I ran from God. I still struggled my first year of marriage trying to choose between God’s plan and making up my own way in life. It sounds like an easy decision and should have been obvious, but it’s not always as easy as you may think. Every day you are faced with a choice you must make on your own: to follow God or follow this world. When you wake up you can dress to impress and fit-in with all the styles, no matter how provocative they may be, or you can choose God and dress in a manner that would please Him and not cause someone else to lust. I’m not saying you must wear dresses to your ankles and cover your head with a bag, but come on ladies…you know what I’m talking about. Be respectful.

As I look back on the poor decisions I made, friendships and relationships that were broken, and situations that could have ended up much worse than they did…I consider myself blessed. Blessed to be a part of God’s plan, blessed by His Grace. Years later I have a beautiful family, work in an office where my boss starts the day in prayer and devotion every morning and prays over his patients each week, and I am privileged to  work with you girls as you grow in God’s plan for your life!

In today’s world, if you don’t listen to your parents or your boss the first time they tell you to do something, they might give you a second chance to change your mind, but not always. Would they give you years to do what they told you to do in the first place?

What if the next time your dad or mom tells you to clean your room, you respond, “Nah, not today. I’ll do it in maybe 5-7 years.” I don’t think that would work too well for you. (and definitely don’t tell them I told you to do that – purely for an example)

This is only one of the reasons why I consider myself blessed by His Grace. Grace is getting what you don’t deserve. Mercy is not getting what you do deserve. God gave me grace when He was patient with me and never gave up on me despite my rebellion. Today, I am who I am because of His Grace. Though I remember my past mistakes, I can rejoice knowing that He made me clean. He welcomed me to His family and He is all that matters. I will always be grateful for His Amazing Grace!

There are days that I’m reminded of my past and brought to tears by who I used to be. Embarrassed and ashamed, my heart breaks thinking of the pain I caused my family.

But then I remember…

I am a child of God, a daughter of the One True King! Sunday, my family and I went to 5point in Easley and the Pastor said, “Remember your past but Rejoice in who God made you.”

I honestly did not plan on writing this blog today. I started my blog with a completely different topic in mind. I even had a cute picture and title picked out for it and everything…but apparently someone needs to hear this. I don’t know who, but I do know that you are not defined by your past. Don’t let your past mistakes hold you back from who God created you to be. It’s time to move forward, hear His Word, and Rejoice in knowing that God can make you clean. Rejoice in knowing that you can be a child of God.

Today’s scripture came from Acts 10 and 11 where Peter went against culture and spoke with 3 gentiles, men that were not Jewish, and eventually saved and baptized them. The people wondered why Peter was with the gentiles, the gossiped about him talking to sinners, and they even questioned him about wanting to baptize these people, but his response was simple, “And I remembered the word of the lord how He used to say, “John baptized with water but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, if God gave to them the same gift He gave to us also after believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that could stand in God’s way?” Acts 11:16-17

God loves you just as He loves the rest of His children. There will be regrets in your life big or small that you won’t be able to forget and words that you can never take back, but you must always remember…

His love surpasses them all and no matter what you’ve done or how bad you think your past may be…God is always there. His Grace is too hard to explain in words, but I can promise His love will never fail you.

When you wake up in the morning, claim yourself as a child of God, a daughter of the One True King. Look in the mirror and see yourself as more than just a series of past mistakes, but a masterpiece created by God Himself.

You are beautiful, you are wonderful, and you need to remind yourself daily how special you truly are!

You are a part of His plan and your mission is just beginning!

May God Bless you and Show you His Grace every day!

If you have a special prayer need or need to talk to someone, you can always call, text, or email me anytime! I’m always here for you!

Kayla Rampey
