Merry Christmas from Glitter and Grace!

During the rush of Christmas, I hope that you took time to remember the true meaning of the season. I know it’s fun and busy, but take time to remember WHO we celebrate. Jesus Christ was born in a manger to save the world, to give YOU a chance at eternal life, to make a difference.

Take time to remember…

Take time to give thanks…

And take time to make a difference.

*********WIN A FREE T SHIRT!!!!***************

Glitter and Grace is offering a FREE T’SHIRT to the first 3 people to join my team! All you need to do is send me a text or email saying “I’m in!” followed by your entry to add to the site!

You don’t have to be a professional to join the Glitter and Grace Team! If you’re a writer, write! If you love to search the internet – search and send me inspiring videos, music videos, or even personal videos made by you! Whatever you do, do for the glory of the God!

I wish you a Merry Christmas and pray that you will take time to make a difference in 2017!!!!

*Join My Team*

Are you interested in being a part of the Glitter and Grace Ministry Team?

I’m looking for young girls (grade 6-12) with a heart for God and a passion for sharing His Message. Below are the open team positions available:

*Writers/bloggers that will commit to writing a short article or 2 on occasion. Whether it’s a one-time blog or a monthly commitment, I appreciate all your help! All writing styles are welcome including current events/issues, poetry, short stories, testimonies, and devotions.

*Media Team – I would love to add videos and photography to the Glitter and Grace Teen Ministry page. If you see a video online or create one yourself that helps you in your walk with Christ, send them my way and I’ll gladly post them to the site. I’m looking for music videos, personal testimonies, and encouraging photography to uplift others.

*SHOUT OUT TEAM: We are looking for enthusiastic teens that are willing to post videos, send out invites, and spread the news about any upcoming events. We need your help to grow this ministry and share the good news of Jesus Christ! If you are a go-getter, we need your help!

If you feel like you are suited for any of these positions, contact me for more details! I look forward to meeting my new team members and getting the new year started off great!

Contact information: Kayla Rampey, Glitter and Grace Teen Ministry

Cell: 864-915-8094 (text me anytime)    Email:

“Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Matthew 22:37

Use your talents to serve the Lord & watch how He blesses you in return!

May the Lord bless you and show you His Grace every day!

Grace in the Wilderness is always looking for young girls that are willing to step up, step out, and make a difference!

Are you one of those girls?

“Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Matthew 22:37

Use your talents to serve the Lord & watch how He blesses you in return!

We need your help to make a difference in this world! The truth is, I’m 28 years old and have 2 young boys that keep me on my toes. I’ve worked with teenagers for several years now and I’ve been one myself, but times change, struggles vary, and each generation is different from the last.

I want to know what YOU want to talk about. What are some of the struggles you or your friends face each day? What questions do you have about the Bible, your relationships, your family issues, etc?

Be honest with me. I want this blog to be a open conversation between us and a way to help teen girls find answers for the struggles they deal with each day.

When I was in high school, if I was asked these questions my response would’ve been, “it’s none of your business.”  And I’m sure that’s what you are thinking; but think of it this way, you are not the only one with questions. I promise, if you’ve thought of it, someone else has had the same question and probably just been too afraid (or too busy) to ask it.

Life gets busy and things like this get pushed to the side, but this Christmas season, I want you to think about what matters most. What matters most is sharing Jesus with others, answering the tough questions no one wants to worry about, and making a difference in someone’s life.

Do me a favor and text or email me your questions or comments. I won’t share your name or contact info in my blog. I just want to know what you want to talk about the most and how this ministry can make a difference in your community!

Are you interested in being a part of the

Glitter and Grace Ministry Team?

I’m looking for girls (grade 6-12) with a heart for God and a passion for sharing His Message. Below are the open team positions available:

*Writers/bloggers that will commit to writing a short article or 2 on occasion. Whether it’s a one-time blog or a monthly commitment, I appreciate all your help! All writing styles are welcome including current events/issues, poetry, short stories, testimonies, and devotions.

*Media Team – I would love to add videos and photography to the Glitter and Grace Teen Ministry page. If you see a video online or create one yourself that helps you in your walk with Christ, send them my way and I’ll gladly post them to the site. I’m looking for music videos, personal testimonies, and encouraging photography to uplift others.

*SHOUT OUT TEAM: We are looking for enthusiastic teens that are willing to post videos, send out invites, and spread the news about any upcoming events. We need your help to grow this ministry and share the good news of Jesus Christ! If you are a go-getter, we need your help!

If you feel like you are suited for any of these positions, contact me for more details! I look forward to meeting my new team members and getting the new year started off great!

Contact information:

Kayla Rampey, Glitter and Grace Teen Ministry

Cell: 864-915-8094 (text me anytime)


May the Lord bless you and show you His Grace every day!

What You Don’t Know About Ministry

What you don’t know about Youth Ministry is…

it hurts.

It hurts to be a parent, a leader, or a friend of someone and see them fall away from God. One of my greatest pains in life has been sitting back and hearing one of my former youth say, “I don’t believe in God anymore.” The person may have worded it differently but the fact is, it broke my heart. It didn’t just break my heart because I felt as though I had failed as a leader; it broke my heart because I knew it broke God’s heart too. My job as a parent and as a leader is to ‘plant the seed’ of Jesus Christ and share His Word and His Hope with the ones He places in my path. What you do with that seed is up to you.

What you don’t understand about youth ministry is that we are not just teachers or leaders…we are parents. Yes, I am a mother of 2 young, sweet but crazy, adorable but wild, temperamental yet amazing, boys. Carson is 3 years old and Asher just turned 1 on November 25th. I have my hands full with my boys, but I also have several teenagers, young girls, and even college students that I consider to be my children as well. They may not know it, but they are family just like my own even when I don’t see them as often as I used to. I pray for them, worry for them, and try my best to guide them in God’s way. My prayer for all my children is that they will find God’s will, live by His Light, and love the life He has blessed them with. I can’t wait to see how God uses the youth of this generation to make a difference!

Unfortunately, not all children live for God and stay on the straight and narrow path. Seeing your child, blood or not, fall away from God, is the hardest thing a parent can go through. I know that one day I may have to face this with my own children, but I also know that God can give me strength to handle things I cannot imagine. I pray each day for unfathomable faith for my children and hope that they will stay by the Lord’s side every step of their way. As a parent, I am doing my best to raise my children in a Christian home, but in this world, it is a constant battle. Know that your parents and leaders are trying their best and doing all that they can to protect you and guide you in this world. Give them a break and go to them when you are struggling. Trust that they are there for you. Though you think they don’t understand, they care for you more than you can imagine. Know that they are with you every step of the way (even when you don’t want them to be) and they want what is best for you. Trust me, one day you will understand.

As a parent and a youth leader, I want you to know first that you are loved. Your family, your parents, and your leaders loves you more than you can imagine. The days that they seem to be distant or so far away from you that they just can’t understand, just know that someone out there loves you and is doing all they can to take care of you.

Second, know that when your heart breaks, it never breaks alone. It may seem like it, but you are never alone. In high school, I remember my mom telling me that she wished she could take the pain away from me after I was heartbroken from a break up. At the time, I thought she was crazy, but I now I understand what she means. My boys are too young for that kind of drama for now, but when one of my other children, my G.A. girls or youth from the past, or my friends and youth at my church today, feels broken…my heart breaks with them. They cry and I cry because I know what they are going through and though they may feel like I’m 1,000 years older and don’t understand, I do care for them. They are not alone and neither are you. Where one heart breaks, others break with it. The Lord is with you and waiting for you to understand His purpose.

Third, you will be missed. As a teenager, I remember thinking if I ran away or moved to another area, no one would ever miss me. I couldn’t wait to be old enough to drive so I could just get out of this little town and never look back. I wondered who would call or if anyone would care, but I felt as though no one would mind at all. My life has shown me that no matter what stage of life you are in, you will be missed. Somewhere, someone would miss you. Your parents, your grandparents, your siblings, and family all care for you. Believe it or not, the students in your class, your teachers, and even your worst enemies would miss you as well. Your life, your love, and your witness is stronger than you realize. Stay true to who God created you to be and never give up.

Most importantly, know that God will never leave your side. No matter what you are going through, no matter where you are headed, the Lord will never leave your side. Seek Him first always and His will will be revealed to you.

May God Bless you and show you His Grace every day!



A Letter from Your Mom

What you don’t understand
Is I’m trying my best
I’m working so hard
And never get rest

My tears come at night
When no one’s around
I cry on my pillow
Without making a sound

I put on a smile
When the sun starts to rise
My heart is still aching
As I open my eyes

I pray for the moment
You’ll remember His Word
The verses I taught you
The sermons you heard

Will you ever go back
To the way you once knew
The life you once lived
The child that I grew

The hopeful innocence
And smiling face
The love and peace
I could see His Grace

Where did I go wrong
As I taught you the way
Did I mess up too bad
Or forget to pray

You are my child
Forever you’ll be
My hope is in Christ
For your destiny

Just remember His love
When all seems to fail
Seek Him for wisdom
And you will prevail

Come back to the One
Who Created it all
You’re forgiven, my child
I’ve forgotten the fall

The time will come
That you’ll understand
Every moment of struggle
Was a part of His plan

I know I’m not cool
Or even your friend
But I’m your family for always
Until the end

So when struggles come
Or you feel so lost
Come to me
No matter the cost

I know you’re hurting
I see your face
I pray each day
For God’s sweet Grace

The struggles will fade
If you’ll turn back to Him
Just fall to your knees
And let go of them

It’ll all make sense
In His timing alone
Just don’t give up
You’re almost home

Adjust Your Focus – Find Peace


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

In times of desperation, depression, and stress, It’s important to adjust your lens on life. This time of year, as the beautiful fall leaves start to turn brown and crumble to the ground, the plants start to die, and the cool air turns cold and dreary, it’s easy to get depressed, down, and discouraged.

When times get tough, adjust your focus.

Photographers use a variety of lenses to get the best picture. In the same sense, sometimes you need to adjust your lens to get a clear focus on the beauty around you.

What are you focusing on?

If you constantly focus on the negativity in your life, you’ll become a negative person which can lead to depression and not only hurt yourself but also those around you.

If you focus on the fears you have, you’ll live a life of anxiety and fear never allowing yourself to experience life to its fullest. Don’t let your fears hold you back from following God’s will or stepping out in faith.

Wherever your focus may be, if it’s not on Jesus Christ and the hope that only He can give you, you need to readjust your lens and shift back to focusing on Him.

Focus on the good times and not the bad, the future and not the past, the love and not the hate, the Light and not the darkness.

Take time to adjust your focus on life. Shift your focus and capture the true beauty in life.

I promise it’s there, you just have to adjust your lens and focus on the Christ above.

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.” Colossians 3:2-4