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I know my daddy is prouD!

“I know my daddy is proud.”

Some of the greatest lessons learned can come from the words of a child. Last week my 7 year old son scored his first soccer goal on the “big field” (7-8 year olds). He was beyond excited about his achievement and ran off the field with a grin that was unforgettable. His face lit up as he ran to me to tell me all about it. After all the congrats and big hugs he looks and me and his granny and says “I know who is proud of me, my daddy’s proud of me!” He didn’t stop smiling the rest of the night because he knew his daddy was proud.

There are some moments you’ll never forget in life, and I pray this is one of them.

As I think back on that smile, I’m reminded of the moments that “made my daddy proud.” No matter how great they may have been or how big my smile was on my face, they’ll never amount to the pride my Heavenly Father felt when I asked Jesus into my heart. In the same sense I can only imagine the disappointments I caused Him as well. 

As children and teens, you try so hard to please your earthly father or someone in your family that you look up to. Even as adults it’s a constant battle to try to please someone. Imagine now what it would be like to make your Heavenly Father proud. 

What would it take for you, no matter your age, to make your Father, God Himself, proud of His child? 

Do you think your Heavenly Father is proud of what you are doing with your life now? Would He be proud of what you did today?  

In the parable of the talents, one of the servants obeys his master and is told, “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your master!’ Matthew 25:21

Each obedient servant is told “well done.” As simple as it sounds, those 2 words say so much. At the end of your life, will you hear “well done.” Will your Father be proud? 

Can you say “I know my Daddy is proud.” 

Reflect on what it means to make your Heavenly Father proud. What can you do? Where do you need work? Reflect, pray, and grow closer to God. Make your Father proud. 

Praying for you all! 

May God bless you and show you His grace every day! 

*Be sure to LIKE AND SHARE our new Facebook page at Empowered Jesus Girl! Glitter and Grace Teens is now officially Empowered Jesus Girl! Help us spread the word and glorify God! 

A child of god

But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” John 1:12

As a child of God, you are loved, you are cherished, and you are blessed! Remind yourself daily of your worth and your beauty through the eyes of your Heavenly Father.

This year Empowered Jesus Girl is going to be a “Red Carpet” event. We will be rolling out the red carpet for the daughters of the One True King. Join us for a night of praise and worship with your sisters in Christ! We can’t wait to see you there!

MISSION: East Pickens Baptist Church has a Foster Care Ministry that provides children and foster families with basic necessities. A lot of times when a child is brought into foster care, they only have the clothes on their backs. Our Foster Care Ministry provides overnight bags, clothing, toiletries, and gift cards for the children and their foster parents. This year at Empowered Jesus Girl we will be raising money and collecting items for this wonderful ministry! We would love for you to join us in helping these families through hard times! Here are a few items that are always needed: diapers, wipes, $5-$10 Gift Cards for local restaurants (McDonalds, Chick-Fil-A, Little Caesars, etc.), soap & other toiletries, and clothing for children of all ages (socks, underwear, pjs). You can also bring gently used clothes for children up to 18 years old. Challenge your teens to clean out their closets and help those in need. We will have a box at the front of the church for donations to help this ministry! Donations are not required for this event but greatly appreciated! Thank you for serving the Lord by sharing with others!

Empowered jesus girl 2019

My prayer for Empowered Jesus Girl 2019 is that the girls that attend will not see me but see God through the life that He has given me. My path has never been perfect, and I am still finding my way each day, but God has always had a plan for my life and never given up on me.

No matter what you are struggling with today, know that God has a plan for you as well. He loves you, cares for you, and wants the best for you. When you feel like you have no one to turn to, He is always there. You are never alone and will never fully be able to grasp the depths of His love.

I ask you today to pray with me for Empowered Jesus Girl. Every year that we host this event, we see lives changed, chains broken, and young women broken and rebuilt by God’s grace and mercy. We pray for the volunteers, the praise team, and every girl that attends this event. I also ask you to pray for me. I am speaking at this event, and my prayer is that God will use me to reach others, glorify Him, and encourage you to follow Him closer than ever before.

Thank you for your prayers & continuous support of Grace in the Wilderness Ministries!

May God Bless you and show you His grace every day!

Empowered Jesus Girl 2019 will be at East Pickens Baptist Church on

Friday, February 8th 6pm – 10pm   

This is a FREE EVENT! We will have pizza at 6pm followed by an awesome night of praise and worship as daughters of the One True King!

To register your group for Empowered Jesus 2019, visit

Group Leaders: You do not have to register each girl individually. You can simply register yourself and add the number of girls you will be bringing with you in the comment section at the bottom of the form. Thank you for registering ahead so we can get a headcount for food/etc.

Now that I have your attention… (thank you chocolate and sweets)

Did it work? Did the picture of yummy goodness bring you to this page…no I’m not trying to make you feel bad…I’m trying to make you think. I’m just as guilty…

Over 800 million people are suffering from hunger today.

Thousands will die from hunger.

Yet day after day, we hear someone say “I’m starving!” when they don’t even know what hunger truly is.

I challenge you to go a day with only water to drink. Try to give up Soda or coke…or even sugar all together (extremely hard – I’ve tried it before). Could you do it? Do you even know what hunger truly is?

The Bible says, “But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into this world and we cannot take anything out of the world. BUT if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content.” 1 Timothy 6:6-7

Why is it that we are never content? We live in a consumer driven world. Every commercial, billboard, magazine, and even crazy ads online that somehow know our every want and need…they all are out there to get us…ok that sounds crazy but seriously, I work in Marketing and I will let you in on a secret: we are out there to get your attention. Every event I work at, every health fair I setup at, and every stress ball I give away, has our Community Chiropractic logo on it.

Today, your parents or you may not need a chiropractor BUT when you read this or when you pick up a free pen from a Doctor’s office with our logo on it one day, when your back is hurting, you’ll remember that blue logo and give me a call.

It’s all a part of marketing. I’m not downing marketing or especially my job (I LOVE MY JOB AND MY OFFICE), but I am saying we live in a consumer driven world. If you see chocolate on television 5 commercials in a row, guess what Snickers will be on your shopping list before you leave the room.

It’s just how we live. I say all this to simply remind you to strive to be content. It’s a tough one when the world offers so much and so many amazing chocolaty things, but strive to be content with the simple things you have in life. Be thankful for everything and pray for those that are in need.

Today’s scripture in Sunday School was in James Chapter 2:1-13 where James warns us against favoritism and teaches us not to treat the poor any different than the rich. When was the last time you gave someone food or drink just because? Have you helped anyone out in need lately? What could you give away to help someone else?

I know, we aren’t all filthy rich. At least I’m not, but we all have more than we need most of the time. I challenge you (again) to take at least one thing to the Dream Center Resale store in Pickens or Easley or wherever is closest to you. Did you know every dime that store makes goes directly tot eh Dream Center which educates and feeds the homeless? They even have an “Opportunity Village” for homeless families in need.

If you are looking for a place to volunteer, this would be a great place to start. BUT FIRST learn to be content yourself. Help others. And when you can’t do anything else, you can ALWAYS PRAY!

May God bless you and Show You His Grace Every Day!

Why Glitter & Grace?

Glitter and Grace is a part of Grace in the Wilderness Ministries. You can visit  for more information about this wonderful ministry.

The goal of Glitter & Grace is to encourage teen girls to grow closer to Christ and be bold in their walk with Him.

When glitter is tossed out it is almost impossible to pick up every piece. Just as glitter spreads, I pray that each and every one of us will leave a trail of God’s Grace everywhere we go in life.

Spread God’s Grace and be Christ to those around you!

May God Bless you and show you His Grace every day!

trail of sparkles in yellow (2)butterfly